1. Ask your friends/ family members who are readers 2. Goodreads, which can link to facebook, can recommend great books and help you track your books 3. Try award winners like the Tayshas list or the YALSA's 4. Join a bookclub! >Coronado's bookclub meets every Tuesday at lunch! >Project Lit is an online (Facebook) young adult bookclub 5. Booktrailers are commercials for books and are a great way to find new titles 6. Bestseller lists from the New York Times or Amazon (what's popular is not always what is good) 7. Follow your favorite authors on twitter/instagram! If you loved/hated their book, tell them! You get insight into their life and their writing. YA Authors active on Twitter: Leigh Bardugo Maureen Johnson Sarah J. Maas VE Schwab Kiersten White 8. If you have never checked out epicreads, definitely give it a look. It's published by HarperTeens and has all kinds of bookish quizzes and events to direct you to some good YA books. 9. Podcasts! There are lots of podcasts to help direct you to the types of books you'd be most interested in reading. My favorites are: Currently Reading, Book Talk, Etc., What Should I Read Next... 10. TV shows/Movies. So many of them are based on books and the books are always, ALWAYS better! 11. Ask your librarian. It will make her day!